這幾天小光來我家玩,看到[美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 覺得很好用也想買一個

急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買[美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 ,懶惰的我當然是直接上網幫他下訂單啦~

雖然懶惰,但精打細算的我還是查了一下[美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機在各大平台折價後的價格,再決定在哪家買


最新[美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 用過之後感覺真的很不賴!大力推薦!!!










Premium, audiophile-grade over-ear, closed back headphones

Padded leatherette headband and luxurious fabric ear pads perfect for long listening sessions

Compatible with virtually every Audio device including phones, tablets, computers and stereo components

Two cable options included - 3m terminated with 6.3mm straight Plug and 1.2m with 1-button remote terminated with 3.5 mm straight Plug

2-year limited warranty only when purchased from an authorized dealer.

Meet the Sennheiser HD 598 Cs

The HD 598 Cs provides impeccable sound quality and effective noise isolation. A closed-back design employing rigorous acoustic engineering, it delivers incredibly natural, detailed and balanced sound allowing enjoyment of your favorite music without disturbing your surroundings or being disturbed by it.

This lightweight yet durable headset features a high-quality leatherette headband and cushioned ear pads providing outstanding wearing comfort for long listening sessions. A convenient one button remote with microphone on the cable allows calls to be answered.

The HD 598 Cs offers unrivaled performance and value. Crafted with precision using premium materials, it exudes luxury while delivering exceptional sound quality.

Premium Components

Sennheiser engineered transducers use aluminum voice coils delivering high efficiency, excellent dynamics and extremely low distortion.

Noise Isolating

Around-ear, closed-back design effectively reduces ambient noise improving the listening 體驗experience.

Seamless Connectivity

Developed for home and mobile use, the HD 598 Cs comes with two detachable cables: a 3m cable with a 6.3-mm jack for a home entertainment system and a 1.2m cable with a 3.5mm jack featuring a one-button remote with mic for controlling music and taking phone calls.

Extreme Comfort

Lightweight yet robust design with luxurious leatherette covered ear cushions and padded headband deliver exceptional wearing comfort for long listening sessions.

評價E.A.R Technology

'Ergonomic Acoustic Refinement' design channels audio directly into your ears producing a more 'in room' like listening experience.


Sennheiser recommends this headphone for music lovers who are passionate about sound quality wanting extreme comfort during long listening sessions.

The HD 598 Cs headphones are a closed back, over ear, audiophile grade headphone combining exceptional sound quality with extreme wearing comfort. This premium headphone Features a padded leatherette headband and luxurious velour covered ear pads perfect for long listening sessions.

Product Dimensions 8.1 x 4 x 10.2 inches

Item Weight 1.6 pounds

Shipping Weight 1.6 pounds


Item model number HD 598 Cs









[美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時








(中央社記者楊淑閔台北13日電)「禽流感中央災害應變中心」今天首次開會,會後公布要提高主動通報的不能不逛獎勵。防檢局補充, 2015年爆發3種新病毒疫情,曾給主動通報場撲殺時評價全額補償,這次通報H5N6擬比照。

「禽流感中央災害應變中心」今天召開第一次會議,會後農委會副主委、發言人陳吉仲傍晚表示,今天與會的行政院院長林全也做出 5點裁示,當中最受農民關注、也跟疫情防疫直接相關的是如何提高飼主主動通報疫情。



防檢局說明,2015年爆發 H5N8、H5N2、H5N3共計3種新病毒型疫情,當初農委會公布主動通報後,確診為新疫情,原本撲殺補助評價的6成,即接近成本的補償金,提高為評價的全額,藉此讓飼主配合主動通報疫情。這次新病毒則是H5N6高病原性禽流感,評價是接近市價的價位。1060213


嘉義私宰烏骨雞H5N6 列管追蹤十人
鴨鵝傻傻分不清 農委會證實H5N6第一例為幼鴨
H5N6促主動通報 農委會擬撲殺全額補償
自保看這!禽流感強襲台 林杰樑臉書13點提醒






今年冬盟主題日以「台灣」出發,規劃了「台灣之光日」、「台灣民族日」、「台灣文藝日」和「台灣復古日」等四周活動,除了安排與主題息息相關的開球、表演和舞台活動,也從場內布置、dress code著手,並準備打卡好禮,從裡到外感受主題日氛圍。至於去年相當受到球迷歡迎的球員見面會與簽名會,今年也同樣會在舞台區登場,讓球迷能夠與參加冬盟的國內外球員近距離互動,千萬不要錯過。



今年重頭戲還有獎項豐富的贈獎活動,包括可愛馬電行車、遠東航空國內線來回機票、福容大飯店住宿券、麗寶樂園遊樂券和冬盟限定版的一卡通,將以現場抽獎、舞台活動和進場限量方式贈送,周末天天都有獎。而冬盟傳統「賽後Catch Ball體驗」和「我是冬盟雷射肩」活動依舊會在周末晚場中職聯隊或中華培訓隊的賽事登場;相當受到歡迎的「冬季練歌 TRASH DJ秀」也歡迎球迷朋友無論是現場點播還是鍵盤參與,都一起共襄盛舉。

[美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 推薦, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 討論, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 部落客, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 比較評比, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 使用評比, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 開箱文, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機?推薦, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 評測文, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 CP值, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Sennheiser HD 598 Cs Closed Back Headphone 耳機 去哪買?


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